I have been so busy! There are three women that are pregnant in my knitting group. Though their due dates are from September to December, the baby shower for all three is mid-August. That means, I have to knit
everything for
all three by then! I have been knitting like crazy and I still don't know if I'm gonna get it all done.
But today...? Today was a treat! I attended my very first knitting class, ever! A Cookie A. class at Shuttles, Spindles and Skeins - Sock Innovation: Top Down Sock Design. I don't have anything to compare to, but this class was fun! I found Cookie to be pretty laid back and easy to follow and understand. After a few false alarms, I found a stitch pattern that worked for sock knitting and started my first sock design! So...my plan is to knit a few repeats of the pattern on the leg and then decide if I like the yarn enough to continue. I chose a stitch out of a Japanese stitch pattern book but, unfortunately, do not have a pic of what it's supposed to look like. I've included a picture of what I have so far (one row repeat). It's not the best picture (but can you tell Cookie helped with the ribbing). I'm really anxious to work on this and get my the first sock done but I won't really have time until after the shower. I'm hoping I won't have forgotten all that I've learned by then!