Now these little gems were such a treat to knit. They are so tiny. They aren't even three inches long. These are definitely preemie to newborn size. This pattern and the baby sweater above are both free downloads from Sock Pixie. I have also knit her Mother's Day Slippers. These slippers and Le Petit Trianon went to baby Nola.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Good things come in three
Well - the last week has churned out THREE finished knitting projects!
I think this is my first real wearable garment for an adult. This is a gift for my friend Julie. She was elated when she opened the package. It felt good knowing it's going to a very appreciative non-knitter.
This baby sweater turned out really cute compared to my first one. I found this pretty silk, velvet ribbon at The Berry Patch in old town Niwot.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Pattern for my sock yarn
I finally found a pattern for that yummy Neapolitan yarn. It's got texture but doesn't look too tedious. Hedgerow Socks.
Hedgerow Socks,
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Baby gifts gone bad
So, on Friday, I remembered that I had a baby shower to go to on Sunday. So I scrounged thru my stash and Ravelry to see if I could find a quick easy knit. My problem was that I stuck on this yarn that I wanted to use but couldn't find a pattern. After paging thru my favorites I found Le Petit Trianon - baby kimono. The yarn I used SUCKED! I love the results but knitting with it was awful. If you dropped a stitch or had to pick a stitch up? Impossible! Once it was all knitted up, I loved it - so soft, cushy, cozy, fuzzy, fluffy! Perfect for a baby. I had a really hard time with the pattern, too. I don't know if it was the way it was written or if it was my ineptness with it. I've never seen sleeves knitted onto a sweater in this fashion and who am I to modify it with out ever having knitted the pattern before? Ugh! So anyway, I stayed up super late on Friday and Saturday night to get it done and it turned out really bad (the sleeves mostly). I will knit a new one (due to the nature of the yarn - it wouldn't be easy to frog and I can't undo the sweater because it would be impossible to pick up the stitches at the join. Ugh!
(yes that's what the right sleeve does on its own; and no, this was not meant to be short sleeve)
Le Petit Trianon
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Another sock brings another FO
So I finished my second pair of socks last night. Much to my dismay - the second sock was almost an inch shorter than the first sock! Ugh. I considered ripping it back and joining the ball back to the sock and knitting it longer - but after seeing Seamus so happy and thrilled with the socks, I figured - no need! He loves 'em! He was all smiles while he was running around in them. He started calling them his golf shoes (go figure). Plus, it's not like he's going to be wearing out in public (with shorts on). :-)

Now on to my Rusted Root...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Froot Loops
They're officially done! My first pair of socks finished and gifted. I didn't like the yarn much when I was knitting the socks but now that they've been washed, the yarn fluffed up really nicely and is really soft. I'm curious to see how they hold up.
froot loop,
Happy Feet,
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Busy Weekend
My nephew graduated from high school last weekend. Saturday was the celebration. After a family dinner, we all went to the Denver Aquarium. I don't know that if it's I've matured or because I have children now or that it's just better - but that place was pretty cool! We did have a set back within the first five minutes, though. One of my nieces came running back to me from the dinosaur room to tell me that Ronan had just thrown up. I raced up to the front and not only had he just thrown up but he did it all over another one of nieces. Ugh!!! She was covered - it was so gross! Poor things (Ronan and my niece). But once we dealt with that and moved on - Ronan was good to go. He just spent the rest of the evening in his onsie, pajama bottoms, and (thank goodness for) Crocs.

So we got a new camera this past Christmas. I knew I loved it before, but I love it even more now! Take a look at some of the pictures this camera took at the Aquarium! I felt like Jacques Cousteau! 

I even managed to finish up my Froot Loop socks. I don't have a final pic yet but should be able to get a pic up in the next week. I decided to move on to and try to finish up Seamus' toe-up socks. I'm just about done with those. Then I'll finish up the Rusted Root top.
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