Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Here's a picture of the Rusted Root top I knit for Julie's birthday. She looks great it in. I was thinking about knitting one for myself but who am I kidding. :-)
I've been working on a lace shawl for my friend, Bridgett. Her birthday is today and I thought I would have it done for her birthday, but...alas, once again - another belated birthday gift. The pattern is Anisette. I don't have very good pictures but I'll throw one in just to give you an idea of what it looks like.

Last but not least, I'm knitting a little bunny for a birthday gift for a 3 year old boy. I hope this turns out ok. My last attempt at knitting a toy did not go well at all. For his sister, I have a Butterfly Hat that I had knit last fall and didn't fit the recipient so I had to reknit a bigger version. This is a picture of the (first) small version.

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